
Congrats to all the winners in the 2014 Salmon and Pickeral Hunt. The boys are still fishing and catching walleyes SE of the harbour middle two #s 48-08 just over the rockline in about 65ft  of water. 40 jet divers back 150ft with spoons, planner boards with hotlips are still worll 150ft also.  Looks like we have some nice weather coming so lets get out and do some fishing.

Grand Prize Salmon: Larry Mailloux, Windsor – Rainbow 14.32lb 30.75in

Grand Prize Pickerel: Dennis Couture Chatham 12.07lbs

Junior Salmon: Cayden Patrick Ridgetown 9.27lbs

Junior Pickerel: Ben Rhodes Chatham 9.54lbs

Silver Bass: Scott Warriner 1.98lbs

Sheephead:  Shelly Duquette 12.70lbs

The Winner of the boat was Bill Payne.



Well not a very nice day for the end of the derby, but yesterday was nice. The fish seem to be in pockets, one boats says they took fish down East of the Point and another South of the harbour, one in 65ft another in 74ft.The fishing is good when you get on them, the best area is still the 165deg out to 65ft anfd troll out to 74ft.(tip of the rockline)Planner boards have been the best running body baits (Hotlips) back 150ft. Dipsys are going for good also 130 to 150ft back on a 3 setting.

Grand Prize Salmon: Larry Mailloux, Windsor – Rainbow 14.32lb 30.75in

Grand Prize Pickerel: Dennis Couture Chatham 12.07lbs

Junior Salmon: Cayden Patrick Ridgetown 9.27lbs

Junior Pickerel: Ben Rhodes Chatham 9.54lbs

Silver Bass: Scott Warriner 1.98lbs

Sheephead:  Shelly Duquette 12.70lbs

Daily Draw:  Daniel McCammon



Not much has changed, still running 160degs South but I heard some boats were stopping short and fishing in 65ft of water and picking up fish. Planner Boards with hotlips back 150ft was still the best yesterday, dipsys are starting to go better, 130ft back on a 3 setting.

Grand Prize Salmon: Larry Mailloux, Windsor – Rainbow 14.32lb 30.75in

Grand Prize Pickerel: Ron Stewart, Chatham – 10.54lb 31.5in

Junior Salmon: Ben Rhodes, Chatham – Rainbow 8.55lb 27.5in

Junior Pickerel: Lucas Fancy  8.14lbs

Silver Bass: Marcel Benn  1.83lbs

Sheephead:  Jeff Lucier  10.30lbs

Daily Draw:  Kent Lenoer  Chatham