
The fishing was good again yesterday, the steelhead move a bit West, so they were running straight out 190 deg to 49, 50ft of water.  The boat were coming in with good numbers like 10 steelhead and 15 walleyes, the charters all did very well.



Well looks like the wind is going to be down for the next few days and the Steelhead are here. They are fishing SE of the Lighthouse about 2 miles in 45 ft of water, the charters all did great yesterday, some even had limits of both. Seems like everything is working well, from 10 jets to riggers down around 30ft.



Well the fishing is still the same, lots and lots of Walleyes.  Sw 210 deg until you get to 50ft of water, same program as all summer fish are down around the 25 range.  There is still fish at the Point of Pins also, I had some friend go that way on Tuesday and caught there limit but it took a bit longer.