
Well no one fished yesterday because of the weather it was a little windy.  The boats are running SE to 75ft of water and catching some walleyes with the odd steelhead.  Hotlips back 150ft are still working well.  Some people are running dipsys back 150ft and catching some fish also on red and purple spoons.



Well the fishing was a little slow yesterday morning at the white stake. I a boat run SE about 10miles and fished 75ft of water and caught 8 waleyes and 2 steelhead last night. He was running dipsy with pink and red spoons, down around the 50ft range, so they were a long ways back. Tomorrow looks like a good day for fishing, see ya out there.



Well the fishing has been ok.  The boats are running East to the Point of Pins were the white stake is, and start there. You will have troll around and find them, and there are using Hotlips still and Dipisy.