
The walleyes have moved in with the steelies, inside the rockline 90deg East.  The fish there are high, riggers down 25 to 30ft, dipsyes back 70 on a 2 and they said hotlips back 150ft took some fish. There was a few other boats that did the 110deg and still took steelies deep in 74 ft of water.



The fishing sounds good, just had a few guys in the store and they did well yesterday on the steelies. They were a little more South 110degs out to 70ft, then there was some down along the rockline in 60ft and did good. Jeff was just in and went perch fishing down around the Point and stop at the white marker in 40ft and said the bait is stacked in there (didn’t have trolloing stuff on the boat)  and lots of good marks. I will post as soon as I here something from today.



Wow losts of wind Monday, and some yesterday afternoon.  A couple of boats went East and they caught a few fish, one had 5 eyes and 3 steelhead, he was out in 75ft of water and another I talked to was inside and took 4 steelhead and 2 eyes. It has been tough fishing because of the weather, they are saying no wind for this morning, well they are full of it.