
So the fishing has cooled down a little bit, boats are running off the point to 60-65 feet of water range and also picking some up off the horse shoe to catch walleyes. No steel head around but the odd boat is picking up 1. Still running the usual program.



Well it has been a long week and the winds have not been very nice to us.  The charters picked up the walleyes yesterday SE to 55ft of water, so they move a little closer to the Lighthouse. Running the same program.



Well the steelhead are on the move, with this North wind it will push the cold water out. The walleyes are still there, we set up about 1.5 miles from the lighthouse and trolled out to 50ft and then East towards the Point of Pins, and took fish all the way down. We did catch 3 steelhead and lost 3.