07-03-22 0

Same program, straight out to 55ft – 60ft of water and you can also head out 220 deg to the horse shoe. the walleyes are down 30 to 40 ft ( dipsy on a 2 setting back 130 ft).  there was a few walleyes picked up in behind the rifle range yesterday.  Down around the Point of Pins starting at the white stake you could catch a few steelhead down there.


Derby 2022

Salmon 13.38 lbs   Yvonne McCormick

Pickerel 7.52 lbs  Josh Beecroft

Jr Board

Salmon  7.26lb Julia McKellar Chatham

Pickerel  7.26lb Oscar Anderson Erieau

Sheephead 9.80lb Matt McCormick

Silver Bass

Daily Draw  Donna Deboer Cedar Springs